Horton Mill Community Primary School

Year 5

Welcome to our Year Five page.

Half Term Three. 

This half term our Big Question is, 'Do all plants and animals start life as an egg?' 

Adults in Year Five:

Mrs Clews, Mrs. Peerzada and Mrs. Bibi

In English we will be writing detailed setting descriptions using a range of our senses.  We will use prepositions and prepositional phrases to help the reader to understand where objects were.  We will use a range of descriptive techniques to make our writing really exciting to read.  Later this term, we will write a non-fiction text to explain what we know about different lifecycles.

In maths we will develop our understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages.  We will also calculate the area and perimeter of rectilinear compound shapes.

Our science lessons will involve learning about the lifecycles of flowering plants, mammals, reptiles, birds and amphibians. We will learn about how the human body changes from birth to being elderly.

In computing we will be looking at how to input formulas into spreadsheets to help us to calculate. 

In art we will look at a range of artists - including Andy Warhol, Monet and Van Gogh.  We will create prints and think about how we can colour to evoke different emotions . 

During our PSHCE  lessons we will be thinking about 'Being my Best'.  We will discuss our future aspirations and look at the skills and qualities needed to achieve our aims.  We will also think about what it means to be part of a community and how we can contribute as individuals to our community.  We will discuss how the responsibilities we have and how these change as we get older.

In RE we will consider how charities can have an impact on the world.  We will be visited by representatives of different faith-based charities so that we can understand the role that faith may play in the work that charities do.

During Spanish lessons, we will be learning about animals.  We will learn to have a short conversation, including our likes and dislikes.


Important information:

Tuesday and Wednesday are our PE days. Children should come to school in their PE kits. PE kits: Plain white T shirt and plain black shorts or tracksuit bottoms. Trainers

Reading at home:

Children are encouraged to read at home for at least 10 minutes every night. They should bring a book bag to school every day. Children can choose a new book as soon as they have competed one, there is no set day for changing books.


All home-learning will be set weekly. We will provide English and Maths home-learning with additional topic activities. Children will also have weekly spellings to learn. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask. We are happy to support all our children and families in any way we can.

Mrs. Clews, Mrs. Peerzada and Mrs. Bibi


Year 5: BBC Bitesize lessons:https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zhgppg8/year-5-and-p6-lessons

Spellings: https://spellingframe.co.uk/

Reading: Oxford Owls   www.oxfordowl.co.uk      Class login:  Year Five 23               Password: Scooby

Primary help: http://primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/index.html

Spanish:   https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zxsvr82

Maths: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button